GreenTec is launching a new hydraulically driven cutting head at Agritechnica in November that goes under the name RX 133.
The RX 133 is specially developed for mowing grass and shrubs in extreme conditions. You can choose between two robust cutting systems, chains or blades. The chains are used in stony conditions. The powerful blades have suction effect and are suitable for shrubs and bushes. You can easily switch between the cutting systems for different tasks. If chains are used exclusively, a chain magazine is offered as an option, where the chains can be advanced with few interventions as they become worn.
The RX 133 is produced in Strenx 700 high-strength steel which has reduced its weight by 60 kg compared to the previous model. The machine can be mounted on large boom mowers for tractors/loaders or directly on the arm of excavators.
The mowing head's suspension has an adjustable floating position, which means that the head automatically adapts to the contours of the ground. At the front of the machine, there is a pressure-activated front cover that opens with heavier material, so that there is direct access to the blades. When mowing grass and lighter material, the front cover closes.
The required amount of oil can vary between 85 and 110 l. min. and the hydraulic pressure can be up to 315 bar.