Frequently asked questions
Our user manuals has been created to help you gain important knowledge of what is needed to safely operate, maintain, and service your GreenTec machine(s). Every user manual is divided into sections for convenient reference of the appropriate section:
1. Machine data
2. General information
3. Safety
4. Machine description
5. Instructions for using the machine
6. Service and maintenance
7. Troubleshooting
You must read and understand the user manual for each piece of GreenTec equipment you own. Reading our user manuals will help you become familiar with each specific piece of GreenTec equipment. Understanding the user manual will help you, as well as others, avoid personal injury and/or damage to the equipment.
The user manual must be kept this with the machine at all times, and remain with the machine even if it is sold. If the user manual becomes damaged or unreadable, it should be replaced immediately.
When using a GreenTec machine, be sure to read and follow the safety and operating instructions of both the power unit* and the attachment tool being used to ensure the safest operation possible.
The information in our user manuals provides the operator with the safest procedures to operate the machine(s) while getting the maximum use out of the unit. Failure to follow the safety precautions listed in any user manual may result in personal injury and/or damage to the equipment.
(*power unit = tractors, loaders, boom mowers and/or multi carriers)
Technical documentation for any of our products can always be found in our large product database.
The product database indexes all of our user manuals, mounting guides, spare parts, optional equipment and diagrams, available for download. Sort by category or search for a specific product.
Our products are under continuous development and improvement, and changes to the specifications may occur. If there is information that differs from any documentation supplied at the time of purchase, updated documentation can always be found in our product database.
The operator of a GreenTec machine needs to be appropriately trained to prepare and check the equipment, but this doesn't always mean formal, certificated training. Most often, the work to prepare or check the equipment prior to use, can be carried out following the instructions in the user manual, using basic skills and common sense.
The vast majority of our machines are intended for use and mounting on various types of tractors, loaders and carriers. The minimum requirement for driving on any public roads is having the right provisional driving licence entitlement and then pass a tractor or specialist vehicle driving test.
Training must be sufficient to ensure that all people know how to competently use any equipment they use at work, without unnecessary risks to the health and safety of themselves or others. Training therefore depends on the task, and to what extent an employee already has relevant knowledge and experience.
Inspection frequencies depend on the type of machine/equipment, its use, and the conditions to which it has been exposed during use.
In every user manual on any GreenTec product, you will find a section dedicated to service and maintenance of the specific machine/equipment.
The section describes instructions on safe service and maintenance, daily- and routine inspections including testing and general troubleshooting.
In the instruction manual for any GreenTec product, there is a section dedicated to service and maintenance of the specific machine and associated equipment. The section describes instructions for safe service and maintenance, daily and routine inspections, including testing and general troubleshooting.
In some cases, maintenance of certain types of equipment requires specific training relevant to the work in question. (e.g. hydraulic/pressure equipment, electrical components and landscape/agricultural machinery in general)
If doubts arise regarding correct service and maintenance beyond what is described in the machine's instruction manual, GreenTec recommends contacting the dealer for further advice and guidance.
Service- and maintenance work can be carried out by those who are competent to do it, who have the necessary experience to know what to look at, what to look for and what to do.
It is important to be aware of and able to avoid unnecessary risks not only to the machine, but also to yourself and others.
If doubts arise regarding correct service and maintenance beyond what is described in the machine's instruction manual, GreenTec recommends contacting the dealer for further advice and guidance.
If an error or damage occurs to your machine, always contact your GreenTec dealer where the machine was purchased and registered. Your dealer will order new spare parts for you from GreenTec's spare parts department.
- Read more about ordering spare parts here.
In the event that the error or damage has occurred within the scope of GreenTec's warranty conditions, your dealer will create a warranty ticket on the machine for you.
Boom mowers
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
Multi carriers
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
Attachment tools
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
We sell our products through a network of dealers. We encourage you contact your local GreenTec dealer for more information.
If you need any sales advice or cannot find a dealer near you, feel free to contact us on telephone: +45 75553644 or e-mail: sales@greentec.eu
We are available Monday to Thursday from 08.00 - 16.00 CET and Friday from 08.00 - 15.00 CET.
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