Proximity Principle
At GreenTec, we produce Danish machines with local business partners in Denmark. This principle is the foundation for our organization's way of life and shown in our vision to grow in a stable and sustainable way for our local surroundings and the world.
Our proximity principle is the determining factor when choosing and establishing new partners and suppliers. Thus, we have centralized our supplier network in Denmark and Scandinavia in order to strengthen local collaboration. We also want to centralize our suppliers to a few key partners instead of buying parts through a lot of different actors.
Current results
- 82% of our suppliers are Danish
- Close collaboration with specialized freight and packaging options that optimizes transport costs for us and the environment
- Exchange of knowledge in specialized products that increase efficiency, delivery safety and optimization
The Proximity Principle is an important tool for our future journey into sustainable development. Specifically, GreenTec wants to work with the following actions in 2023:
- Updated Code of Conduct for collaboration agreements with a focus on Sustainable Development Goal 8
- Increase of 2% by the Danish share of primary suppliers measured on collected expenses from 82% to 84%
- Bigger focus on our suppliers in relation to their sub-suppliers and purchased parts country of origin